
As God of Death Dictates (FUJIMURA Akeji)As The God of Death Dictates (FUJIMURA Akeji)Kamisama no Iu Toori (FUJIMURA Akeji)Kamisama no Iutoori (FUJIMURA Akeji)Like God Says
Takahata Shun est un lycéen, pour lui les journées sont normales et ennuyeuses. Soudain, la tête de son professeur explose, lui et ses camarades de classe se trouvent contraints de jouer à des jeux pour enfants, tels que Daruma ga Koronda (un jeu comme 1,2,3 Soleil), mais avec des enjeux mortels. n'ayant aucune idée de qui est derrière cette mystérieuses session de jeux mortels, et aucun moyen de savoir quand tout terminera, la seule chose que Shun et les autres étudiants peuvent faire est de continuer à essayer de gagner...
真の安らぎはこの世になく-シン・仮面ライダー SHOCKER SIDE-
Tokoshie x Bullet - The Battle at Shin Minato -  Tokoshie×Bullet The Battle at Shin Minato -  永久×バレット 新湊攻防戦 -  永久×バレット: 新湊攻防戦
In this story, unidentified giant weapons will destroy the world's metropolises in 2029. The masterminds of this unprecedented destruction are known as "Tokoshie". They call themselves weapons when they go out on the streets of the cities with their overwhelming powers and disappear as soon as they are done with them. A decade has passed since then. A certain military company is developing a combat drone with the ability to fight the Tokoshie, and a certain millionaire figure goes underground to discover the secret of the Tokoshie's eternal life. Another specific girl goes on a journey to fight the Tokoshie, sworn in as her parents' enemies. In short, this is the chronicle of an endless struggle between humanity and its greatest enemy ever.